Google+ Hangi Mevsimde Hangi Balık Yenir?: Şubat 2014
İstediğiniz bir balığı her mevsim bulamayacağınız gibi, hepsinin tutulma mevsimi ve lezzetli oldukları zamanlar birbirinden farklıdır. Aylara göre balığı ne zaman yememiz gerektiğinin listesi işte bu sitede... Lütfen ay seçin:

Genetically engineered salmon

Genetically engineered salmon were developed mostly in Canada by AquaBounty Technologies Inc. of Massachusetts, the fish are poised to be the first genetically modified animals sold as food, if approved. They haven’t yet been permitted to enter food markets anywhere. But producing the eggs required a separate review meant to look largely at whether the genetically engineered eggs could threaten other salmon stocks. More here: #GMOs
#GMSalmon #food #fish


AMAZING! Corals are marine invertebrates living in tropical water throughout the world. Although they get nutrients from the byproducts of algae’s photosynthesis, corals also have tentacles to get some delicious zooplankton and tiny fish. In these beautiful images, Australian photographer and researcher Daniel Stoupin captures the hidden life and beauty of these creatures,
Courtesy: ScienceAlert

Culture foods

When you ferment or culture foods, you make them better! Our Lacto-Fermentation eBook offers simple lessons and tasty, nutritious recipes for pickles, chutneys, relishes, condiments, pickled fish and meats, sourdough, simple cheeses, beverages, and more!

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Chronic Stress

Did you know that chronic stress can deplete your body's stores of magnesium and vitamin C?

Vitamin C is pretty easy to get from fruits and vegetables (one great trick to increase your intake is to add lemon juice to water or tea). Magnesium is a little harder to get though. The best sources are green foods (spinach and other leafy greens, pumpkins seeds, green bananas and plantains) and nuts, seeds, and bone broth. Magnesium is notoriously difficult to absorb, so if stress is a continued problem, you might benefit from a magnesium supplement (magnesium glycinate is one of the best absorbed forms). Magnesium absorption is enhanced by vitamin B6 and prebiotic fibers, so it's always best to take magnesium supplements with a meal, especially one that contains vegetables (for the fiber) and fish or red meat (for the B6).

Fishing pressure and pollution

Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies Professor Graham Edgar says climate change, fishing pressure and pollution are threatening marine ecosystems.

"Over the next 50 to 100 years, climate change is the grand-daddy threat, no doubt,"

Kolyos Balığı Resimleri

Choy's Monster

Have you ever heard the story of "Choy's Monster"? 
The largest marlin every caught on rod & reel?
It weighed 1,805 lbs. or 820 kg. when weighed in Hawaii, (Honolulu) in 1970. 
Capt. Cornelius Choy and his daughter Gail acting as deckhand, had taken 6 holiday makers out for a days sport fishing. 
None were experienced anglers. After fighting the fish for some time and passing the rod around, Capt. Chow finally took the rod and brought the fish to the boat where his daughter wired it. Naturally, it could not qualify for an IGFA world record, but it does stand to this day as the largest Blue Marlin ever taken on rod and reel.
Obviously these days most "Granders" are tagged & released.
Cheers PW
(Photo, IGFA)


Kocaeli körfezinde artık yunuslar yüzüyor.  Arıtmalar ve Denetimler Denizimizin Hayat Bulmasını Sağladı.

Artık Körfez'de Yunus Balıkları Yüzüyor!

Great white shark spotted

A Great White Shark was spotted on 17 February, close to the vicinity of Vierkantklip. According to an eyewitness the predator leaped from the water and snatched a fish from a crew man`s fishing line on board of the ski boat `Playboy `.

An account of the incident surfaced on social media and indicated that Mr Hendri Loubser spotted a Great White Shark (Charcharodon carcharias) in the water between Patrysberg and Vierkantklip. The newspaper contacted the author of the report. “According to what I have been told, the shark was seen swimming around the boat and then approached the boat. I also heard that the shark could possibly weigh around 400kg and was spotted within one and a half to two kilometres from shore close to Vierkantklip,” he said and referred us to Commercial Marine Namibia.

Mr Hendri Loubser confirmed that it was without any doubt a great white shark. “We were about 1km from shore on a boat when we spotted the shark close to Vierkantklip. A man on another boat close to us had a fish on the line. I saw the shark grab the fish off the line. It was not a Bronze shark. It was without a doubt a great white shark. I cannot confirm how big the shark is though,” he said.

According to statistics, the water temperature at the coast currently ranges from 16°c to 20°c. The ideal water temperature in which great white sharks ope-rates range between 12°c and 24°c. “The great white shark, also known as the white pointer, white shark or white death, are found in the coastal surface waters of all the major oceans. They can accelerate to speeds that exceed 56 km/h (35 mph) and are known to prey upon a variety of marine animals, including fish and seabirds.

They are ranked first when it comes to having the most attacks on humans. There are over 350 species of shark species worldwide and over 100 of these live in the waters of Southern Africa. It is a common belief that sharks attack humans, but this is rarely the case. When viewed from the water below the surface, the shape of a human can be mistaken by the shark for that of a Cape fur seal or sea turtle.

The coastal town of Lüderitz in Southern Namibia is linked to Shark Island (which is home to a campsite & several accommodation establishments) via a causeway. Common sharks found in the Namibian waters include the Sixgill cowshark ,Great White Shark, Sand Shark, Spotted Gully Shark and the Thintail Thresher Shark”.

Fish Fair

A 500-year-old fish-fair, Gajaner mela or Ganga Sagar mela in West Bengal, most of these have a deep connection with the local ecology, culture and nature

Press Lake Camp

Can you believe this 42.5" pike was caught on a 4lb test? Nice fish Buck!


Chicago's Shedd Aquarium is going to start offering shark feeding tours next month.

It's part of the new "Wild Reef" exhibit set to open. Guests will slide on a pair of rubber gloves and toss a "fish parfait" of chopped herring and clams into the exhibit.

Read more:

Western Australian coast

So many people protesting and complaining about the shark-cull of the Western Australian coast. (7 people taken in 2 years) Yet the same mob line up for fish & chips every Friday!
Does this make them Fish & Chipocrities?


I wanted to fry something different for dinner tonight and picked up these small but really odd slices of fish that I thought were just fins of some kind of flatfish...the package says it's "kasube"from Hokkaido so I hurried home and fried it but then while frying it didn't smell like the usual fishy smell it smelled kinda nasty like burning plastic or rubber....and then I had a taste of it and the fish meat was kinda sticky so I gave up and threw it away and decided to fry some hotdogs and eggs instead...

Then I looked it up on the web and found out kasube is some kind of species of the family of manta ray!!!! No way!!!! I just had a taste of manta ray....!!
I love watching manta rays in the aquarium and would love to see one swimming freely in the ocean someday but I didn't know one day I'd have a taste of it....never again!

Joey Manalang

Balıkçılık ve Yetiştiricilik Raporu


Dünyada 2030'a kadar balık üretiminin yaklaşık üçte ikisi kültür balıkçılığından karşılanacak.

Dünya Bankası, Dünya Gıda ve Tarım Örgütü (FAO) ve Uluslararası Gıda Politikası Araştırma Enstitüsü'nün (IFPRI) ortak hazırladığı raporda balıkçılık ve yetiştiricilik perspektifleri incelendi.

Raporda, deniz balıklarının alımının sabit kalması ve dünya genelinde, başta Çin olmak üzere, orta sınıfın talebindeki artış göz önüne alındığında 2030'a kadar balık üretiminin kültür balığı yetişticiliğinden sağlanacağı belirtildi.

Balıkçılık ürünlerinin ticari akışındaki büyümenin gelişmekte olan ülkelerden gelişmiş ülkelere kaydığı da vurgulandı.

Raporda, dünya balık tüketiminin yüzde 38'ini oluşturan Çin'in, 2030'da ilk sırada yer alacağı, diğer birçok ülke gibi bu ülkenin de artan talebi karşılamak için kültür balıkçılığına yatırımları güçlendireceği belirtildi.

Asya'nın, özellikle Güney Asya, Güneydoğu Asya, Çin ve Japonya'nın, 2030'a kadar dünya balık tüketiminin yüzde 70'ini temsil etmesinin beklendiği, Sahraaltı Afrikası'da 2010'dan 2030'a kadar kişi başına yıllık balık tüketiminin yüzde bir azalacağı, ancak aynı dönemdeki yüzde 2,3lük hızlı nüfus artışı göz önüne alındığında bölgedeki balık tüketiminin tamamının yüzde 30 artacağı kaydedildi.

Raporda, başta tilapya, sazan ve yayınbalığı üretimi olmak üzere kültür balıkçılığının 2030'a kadar tüketime yönelik balık üretiminin yüzde 62'sini karşılayacağı belirtildi.

Dünyada tilapya üretiminin 2010-2030'da kadar yaklaşık 2 kat artarak yılda 4,3 milyon tondan 7,3 milyon tona çıkması bekleniyor.

Rapora imza atanlardan IFPRI görevlilerinden Siwa Msangi, kültür balıkçılığının dinamizminin bu alanda izlenmesi gereken bir model yarattığını kaydetti.

Msangi, bu raporu 2003'te yapılan benzer bir raporla karşılaştırarak, kültür balığı üretimindeki artışın beklenenden çok daha fazla olduğuna dikkati çekti.

Dünya Bankası'nın Tarım ve Çevre Hizmetleri Müdürü Juergen Voegele de raporun, ekonomilerine uzun vadeli balık üretimiyle hız vermek isteyen gelişmekte olan ülkelere temel bilgiler sağladığını belirtti ancak kaynakların uzun vadeli yönetiminin dikkatle ele alınan politikalar gerektirdiğini vurguladı.

FAO Balıkçılık ve Kültür Balıkçılığı Bölümü'nden sorumlu Müdür Yardımcısı Arni M. Mathiesen, kültür balıkçılığı potansiyelinin serbest bırakılmasının kalıcı ve olumlu etkileri olabileceğini bildirdi.

Mathiesen, "2050'ye kadar nüfusun 9 milyara ulaşması beklenen dünyada, özellikle güvenli olmayan gıdaların arttığı bölgelerde, çevre sorumluğu bakış açısıyla geliştiği takdirde, kültür balıkçılığının dünya gıda güvenliğine ve ekonomik büyümeye önemli katkıda bulunabileceğine" dikkati çekti.


Akvaryum Yunus Balığı

Yılan balığı - Eel

Gelibolu'da Köpekbalığı

Japanese Cranes

For those who think Japanese Cranes are just corneaters. No they don't. They like fish as well.

A 2.5-3m freshwater croc at Chinaman Creek Dam

SPOTTED: A 2.5-3m freshwater croc at Chinaman Creek Dam
A 2.5-3m freshwater croc at Chinaman Creek Dam

Read the full media release at 

A wildlife officer from the Department of Environment and Heritage Protection inspected Chinaman Creek Dam on Wednesday 19 February.

Through discussions with Cloncurry Council staff it was confirmed that freshwater crocodiles are present in the dam, with one estimated to be around 2.5m.

EHP is working with Cloncurry Shire Council to ensure that members of the public are aware of the animals and that freshwater crocodiles are not considered dangerous unless provoked or harassed.

This may include educational signage at the dam about freshwater crocodiles and the important role the species plays within the ecosystem.

Freshwater crocodiles are docile creatures whose diet consists of small animals including insects, fish, frogs, lizards, turtles and birds. Being timid animals, they would usually swim away from any human activity.

Freshwater crocodiles are protected and it is an offence to interfere with them without authorisation.

More information on freshwater crocodiles is available at

Photo credit: Chief Executive Officer Cloncurry Shire Council, David Neeves

Sığda Balık Yakalamak

Az bir nefesle sığda balık vurabilirsiniz.özellikle bu günlerde. Orkinos, Akya ve trançalar bankolarda balıkları ürkütüyor. Sığda diğer balıklar daha sakin ama pusuyla yaklaşmanız lazım. Normal yüzerseniz hiç bir şey göremezsiniz. Papaz balığı gördüğünüz her yerde balık var şu an ve avlanıyorlar.

Fotoğraflar: Gökhan Çetin

Yılan Balığı - Eel

Reduce high blood pressure

Did You Know? Adding fish like baked salmon and mackerel to your diet can help reduce high blood pressure. Visit Operation Live Well on Pinterest for more heart healthy recipe ideas:

Smart Foods That Feed Your Brain

How much can our diet can affect our brains?

Omega-3 fatty acids are crucial for feeding the brain, which needs fat to produce neurotransmitters. This means ingredients such as fish, nuts, avocados, and olive oil can lower our risk for dementia. That’s good news! Read more at link above!

Fish haters love this!

Fish haters love this! St. Louis Crusted Tilapia at the Diner. You can use any fish you like--or even chicken. The topping, called Cheese Pourri is fantastic, so keep a jar made up to sprinkle on veggies too.

This amazing dinner is featured in Low Carbing Among Friends Volume 2 page 248 and 264. Just 2 net carbs for all this deliciousness! Order your copy at

For a healthful twist on winter stew

For a healthful twist on winter stew, try adding fish and veggies:

Photo: Melina Hammer for The New York Times

Salvadoran fisherman

Salvadoran fisherman who survived on turtle blood, fish for over a year released from hospital

Wicked Tuna

Over the next 10 weeks, the nation's most skilled fishermen will set out in the frigid North Atlantic in hopes of catching elusive Bluefin tuna. When one fish can bring in as much as $20,000, these guys will do whatever it takes to hook up.

A fish as a potential state record

Think you have caught the king of fish? A record-breaker?

Here is how to submit a fish as a potential state record:


Phil Smith caught in the Atlantic ocean off Va. Beach from a school of about 100 fish.
Photo of the Week is now REDFISH.
Win a prize pack - submit your photos by Feb 24th.
Go here:

To find the best places to bass fish

To find the best places to bass fish, you need to understand seasonal factors, bass biology and bass behavior. 

In this Wired2Fish feature, we fully explain different types of fisheries, seasonal patterns, structure, forage and MUCH more. 

Check it out here:

Levrek hangi mevsimde yenir?

Moronidae ailesinden olan levrek ılık ve soğuk denizlerde yaşayan bir balık türüdür. Derisi iri pullarla örtülü, sırtı kurşuni renkte olan levreğin karnı gümüşi bir renkte olur. 

Küçük siyah benekleri olduğu için alabalığı andıran deniz levreklerinin boyları 40 ile 100 cm arasında değişir. Ağırlıkları 8 ile 10 kg arasında olan levreklerin kimi zaman 15 kg olanlarına da rastlanır.

Deniz levreği: Karadeniz, Ege ve Akdeniz'de çiftlik balığı olarak da yetiştirilen levreğin deniz olanlarının en iyi ve lezzetli olduğu zamanlar Eylül ve Ekim aylarıdır.  Marmara Denizi'nde, Boğaz'da ve Karadeniz'de bulunan levrek diğer aylarda yenilebilecek kıvamdadır ancak Eylül ve Ekim aylarında olduğu kadar lezzetli olmaz.

Tatlı su levreği: Özellikle üreme dönemlerinde yağsız olmalarından dolayı lezzetli olmazlar. Tatlı su levreklerinin en lezzetli olduğu aylar Şubat, Mart, Nisan ve Mayıs aylarıdır.


Lüferin boyu 11-13 santimetreye ulaşmış, 16-18 adedi bir kg gelen küçüklerine verilen isimdir. Küçükten büyüğe doğru defneyaprağı, çinekop, sarıkanat, lüfer, kofana, sırtıkara olarak adlandırılabilir. Eylül sonu ekim başı gibi Karadeniz'de yumurtlayan balıklar İstanbul boğazından çıkmaya başlarlar.