Google+ Hangi Mevsimde Hangi Balık Yenir?: Nutrition info: Calcium
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Nutrition info: Calcium

Adequate calcium intake from diet (not supplements) starting during childhood and adolescence are imperative to good bone strength when older, to reduce risk of osteoporosis which affects 50% of older women and 33% of older men in Australia. Milk (and dairy products) are the best source of calcium, 3 to 4 glasses of milk a day (or equivalent) is the recommended amount (more for women over 50 and men over 70). Hot milo before bed anyone?  
If you don't do dairy, make sure you eat foods that are high in absorbable calcium such as: some tofu (check packaging), corn tortillas, some nuts (such as almonds), some seeds (such as sesame seeds and sunflower seeds), some seaweeds (such as nori), and some mineral waters are also high in calcium. Good vegetable sources include bok choy, kale, parsley, broccoli and watercress. For those who eat meat/seafood oysters & canned fish with bones (such as sardines) are an excellent source, as are stocks/broths made from bones. Tip - add some vinegar into your bone broth as it is cooking - most of the vinegar flavour boils off but the acidity increases calcium release from the bones.
Avoid supplements unless necessary as they increase risk of kidney stones, as do high intakes of carbonate antacids. Supplements are recommended for people over 65 with low dietary intake - but I'd be trying to increase dietary intake instead if possible.

  • 6 kişi bunu beğendi.
  • Kirrily Todhunter Remember you need Vitamin D (best source sun exposure) to use the Calcium and don't eat calcium rich food when you are trying to absorb iron!
  • Tamara Mocnay a balanced diet and a decent amount of sun exposure is best for absorbing the right amount of all the essential vitamins and nutrients. A lot of them inhibit absorption of others, but if you eat a decent amount of all food types you should absorb enough of everything. 
  • John Mimo Thankyou Kirrily Todhunter for unintentionally settling an ongoing argument 
  • Kirrily Todhunter im in the middle of doing some nutrient deficiency diet correction case studies right now, can't help it, the info is spilling out. I love that you are sharing it all Tamara, putting all the info to good use  now play nicely u 2
  • Tamara Mocnay sharing is caring 
    and I'm actually not sure what he's talking about... please explain John Mimo??
  • Nicholas Bennett isnt milk more of a supplement than a food? i only have about 2 glasses a week in my tea n coffee....hearing some not to great news about it over the past few years. I stopped drinking it about 15 years ago in the UK when they withdrew billions of litres from the shelves after an "unacceptable" amount of blood and puss levels where recorded in milk UK wide.
  • John Mimo ^ china were putting melamine in their milk recently to give a false positive to iron level tests, for possibly years. None the less, i'd get through 8 litres or so of organic local low fat a week.
  • John Mimo Tamara Mocnay my comments were very convenient but out of order, so I withdraw. We won't know for real about the dangers of my vitamin D supplementation until my doctor mentions about the kidney stones I have to pass. Or not.
  • Nicholas Bennett Hmm ive taken to raw milk recently just to make move away from soy..... 20-30 years ago i heard there is more calcium in raw cauliflower than milk so.....more raw, more variety + more time xx
  • Tamara Mocnay We buy raw milk and local unhomogenised organic milk only. It's more expensive but definitely worth it for taste, and piece of mind.
    I think because milk is so common its an easy way for people to get a lot of their calcium requirements (especially kids) and gives people an understanding of how much they need...
  • Tamara Mocnay Be careful with too much raw cauliflower, raw brassicas contain goitrogen which inhibits iodide metabolism which can have its own issues & is especially bad during pregnancy (but is inactivated by heat/cooking). Eating some of these raw is fine, just not heaps and not often. 
    Some things can be healthier cooked/heated - tomatoes and lycopene also come to mind as the heat converts the lycopene to a form more readily absorbed by the body in the presence of fat/oil. But like you said, everything in moderation, more raw food (& more soups if you're cooking) than the regular person eats would definitely be good for you 
    My favorite foods are soups and salads - its what my body wants to eat! 
  • Tamara Mocnay How is your one comment out of order John Mimo? Haha I mentioned the risk of kidney stones as you are supplementing Vit D and have a high intake of calcium. We will see indeed. For your sake I hope I'm wrong!
  • Alt Esc Del milk and dairy are not the best source of calcium at all. low fat dairy esp actually strips the body of calcium - by far the bes source of calcium is green leafy vegetable like kale - the cows get the calcium from the grass... milk isn't good fr humans really
  • Tamara Mocnay You are right that kale contains more calcium than milk by weight (150mg in 100g for kale, 125mg in 100g for milk) but if you are talking serving size milk contains more per serving (most people are more likely to drink a cup of milk than eat over a cu...Daha Fazlasını Gör
    Skim milk is made by physically separating and removing the fat content from who...Devamını Gör
  • Melany James For the purpose of uni study, go with the course content. Otherwise it's worth reading very widely on the topic of dairy. Animal proteins are known to leech calcium from bones - this includes protein from dairy sources. It's pretty controversial actual...Daha Fazlasını Gör
    5 saat · Beğen · 1
  • Alt Esc Del calcium isn't absprbed very well by humans from milk. low fat dairy binds tje calcium in ur sustem and u poop it out. the notion that milk is good for calcium is perpetuated by the dairy industry. 
    2 saat · Beğen · 1
  • Meg Smallwood I only drink human breast milk in my tea. I have a chick in the shed that I artificially inseminate each year and sell her kids off for extra cash!!!
    1 saat · Beğen · 1

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